Tuesday 1 March 2016

#Selfie Assignment: Extra Resources

Image from here.
During a previous live-chat, students asked whether you should focus only on Miriou and Katz only. I will add my response here as I've had some e-mails about this. Definitely you should refer to all the readings from the module:

  1. Lauren Katz, (May 2014). “Say it with a Selfie: Protesting in the Age of Social Media,” http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/05/10/311143584/say-it-with-a-selfie-protesting-in-the-age-of-social-media
  2. Pamela Rutledge, (2014). “Making Sense of Selfies,” Psychology Today, http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/positively-media/201307/making-sense-selfies
  3. Adam Levin, (2014). “The Selfie in the Age of Digital Recursion,”  Invisible Culture, http://ivc.lib.rochester.edu/portfolio/the-selfie-in-the-age-of-digital-recursion/
  4. Crisia Miriou, (2014). “The Selfies: Social Identities in the Digital Age,” Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, Swinburne University, Victoria 9-11 July, 2014, http://www.anzca.net/documents/2014-conf-papers/796-the-selfies-social-identities-in-the-digital-age/file.html
  5. Rob Horning, (Nov. 23, 2014). “Selfies without the Self,” The New Inquiry, http://thenewinquiry.com/blogs/marginal-utility/selfies-without-the-self/
  6. Browntourage, (Sept. 2014). “A *Different* Selfie Article: Decolonizing Representations of Women of Color,” http://www.browntourage.com/magazine/look-at-me/
  7. Lev Manovich, (2014). “Selfiecity,” http://selfiecity.net/#

And, this quote you might find pertinent:

"I think that selfie culture (whatever that might be) has come to the same conclusions about the punctum as Derrida did. It isn’t merely about framing or capturing the perfect picture–we’ve moved beyond the MySpace angle and the bathroom mirror. The selfie is not just about the creation of the self, of picking angles, of making my face look less dysmorphic and strange. Instead it is about attempting to craft a particular kind of punctum, a focal point, a haunting/lingering that stays with the viewer long after she or he has forgotten the studium of the photograph (clothes, facial hair, sand, umbrellas, the hotel balcony)."

And you might want to refer to these articles:

  • The Feminine Art of Failure: queering feminist spectatorship El arte femenino del fallo: queering a la audiencia feminista Debra Ferreday Lancaster University

  • Academic Journal
    By: Storella, Alison C.. Boston University Law Review , Dec2014, Vol. 94 Issue 6, p2045-2088, 44p, Database: Legal Source

Academic Journal
By: Marwick, Alice E. Public Culture. Jan2015, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p137-160. 24p. 2 Color Photographs, 1 Chart. DOI: 10.1215/08992363-2798379. , Database: SocINDEX with Full Text


Editorial & Opinion
(English) By: Chadwick R, Bioethics [Bioethics], ISSN: 1467-8519, 2015 Mar; Vol. 29 (3), pp. ii; Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; PMID: 25655575, Database: MEDLINE

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raquel,
    Yes, you must follow a schedule that suits you best. The pot of tea sounds like a great idea!

    I shall look forward to reading your thoughts.
